JUNO IN SAGITTARIUS – 6 Nov, 2016 until Feb 2, 2017

JUNO IN SAGITTARIUS – 6 Nov, 2016 until Feb 2, 2017

55040ac9e0e4d02971e2b520ca3f33d5A belt of asteroids or small rocks dance between Mars and Jupiter, remnants of a planet that didn’t form or one that exploded, we don’t know for sure. Back in the 1800 four of them were discovered and were granted the names of 4 goddesses of Olympus, in the belief that they were new planets. But it was not until 1972 that Eleanor Bach, an American astrologer, produced the first Ephemerides for these 4 asteroids with names of Greek goddesses that speak of four distinct Archetypes of the feminine, thus enriching the concept that we get from the Moon and Venus. It was the movement, first in an unconscious way, to incorporate these four aspects of the feminine into social and individual consciousness. Ceres, Pallas Athena, Juno and Vesta speak to us from the depths of our psyche, with their stories and personalities, helping us connect with the extraordinary variety of aspects of the feminine that lives within us, women and men. And I want to make clear this point mainly, that this phenomenon is not in any way limited to women, but it also includes men psyche. It was from this moments that these new archetypes began to emerge with force, helping us to transgress the system that limited women to the role of wife and mother or harlot.

Juno or Hera, was the sister and wife of Zeus, Supreme God of Olympus, after he dethroned his father Saturn. She was also Ceres (the mother) and Vesta (Virgin Priestess, sister)’s sister, and the aunt of Pallas Athena (another Virgin goddess of the Arts, Education and Strategy, and his father’s daughter). Juno is the supreme symbol of the “wife”. It is associated with the sign of Scorpio and Libra. When I say “wife” I mean the woman legally married who somehow has granted her husband, financial responsibility and decision making for the health of the relationship, although, they usually have the last word at home. It is faithful, monogamous and heterosexual, and her ultimate expression of the feminine is within the relationship, glad to be called, “Mrs……so and so.” Her sexual expression consists of seducing her husband over and over again, she is not the best mother of the world, since she is not really interested in her children as much as in her husband and her relationship with him. Power struggles with her partner (Zeus) are famous in Greek mythology, she strikes the love-object of her unfaithful husband, with terrible punishments. She hates children he has with other women, especially Hercules and Pallas Athens, since they are not her children. In many versions it is said that he had no offsprings with Zeus, but Ares in many versions was their son. The marriage of Juno and Zeus is the symbol of the human marriage, with the typical loneliness of the wife of a husband occupied with his work and her characteristic emotional claims. The mistrust of their fidelity is well known. Hera or Juno represents the struggle of women for equality within marriage, the pathology of the relationships, infidelity, deception, manipulation through sexuality, power struggles in sexuality: “not today honey, i have a headache,” etc. The sacrifice of the woman’s profession or talents for the sake of the relationship, is another feature of this archetype, with the typical anger that ensues after few years, due to their creative frustrations. We cannot be just mother and wife, unless that’s what we really want consciously.

These asteroids turn around the Sun in about 4 years, therefore spending about 4 months in each sign, more or less, because they have very irregular orbits. Juno has been in Scorpio throughout the year, as it’s made its retrograde motion in this sign, on the other hand it will only be in Sagittarius until February 2nd, 2017. The transit through this sign represents an opening of mind in our notion of what a stable relationship should be, with an inclination to incorporate a more free and adventurous scope of the other, it speaks of intercultural couples, relationships with people from other countries. Opening to new idiosyncracies, new ways of eating, of thinking, of sharing, etc. If you have planets in the last decans of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces this is a special moment to rethink our attitude with regard to our relations. Topics of economic and emotional dependency are on the cards. Leo and Aries, could find themselves in intercultural relationships. In January of the coming year, Juno is aligned with Saturn and Pholus in the last degrees of Sag, in square to Chiron, therefore is a unique opportunity to take a look at the real reasons for our emotional pain, and the understanding of what happens within us, when we are in love. It opens your mind to new way of socializing and the acceptance that if the relationship does not evolve, it is destined to die. The transformation is continuous.
Each of us carries our oen emotional story recorded in our DNA and in our birth charts. Each story is absolutely unique. Don’t you ever forget it! So fight for the freedom to liberate yourself of cultural impositions that thwart your own story from emerging.

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