Full Moon in Libra – April 9th 2009

Full Moon in Libra – April 9th 2009

normal_estreFull Moons normally complete, conclude what it was initiated at the time of the New Moon.


Last New Moon on March 26th, was in Aries, perhaps one of the or the most initiating energies of the year.

If you had been waiting for the right time  or Kairos, to finally take action about something inside of you, asking for expression, then that was probably it.

The question now is: what has been happening in the past 10-15 days?, have you managed to follow your inner impulse and got down to work on whatever was on your heart?

Since this coming Full Moon is Libra, meaning the Sun is still in Aries and the Moon opposes it, from the sign of the Balance, relationships are at stake here. In the Aries-Libra angle we learn to balance who we are when we are alone and who we are when we’re in a relationship. Can we express who we really are in the presence of our partner? Do we repress part of our personality to be able to keep the relationship going? How to remain true to ourselves and respect the desires of the other?

On the other hand: Do you want to continue in this path? do you want to change? Are you happy where you are? Is there anything you can do to turn things around?

If things get difficult around the time of the full Moon, may be these are some of the questions you should be asking yourself.

On the 18th of April, Venus stations direct after 43 days in retrograde motion, and you’ve had time to see and revise your feelings, to try understand what is that that you want from the relationship. Perhaps the question really was and is: What do you want of you in this relationship?

Even if you don’t have a personal relationship at the moment, we always have relationships.

If you are not clear about these matters, you may well blame the other for not “making you” happy.

Truth is, we can only make ourselves happy, if we allow ourselves to be happy.

Venus went retrograde at 15º of Aries and it will not reach that point again until the 20th of May, but on the 24th of April, it will re-enter Aries and it will be in the company of Mars for a while in this sign and whatever you wanted or needed to say, will now come out. Aries is not the most patient of signs and when it wants something, goes and gets it.

Wherever Aries falls in your birth-chart you will now mobilise your inner army and will move forward to conquer that, which you need or think you need, in order to feel happier.

Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries, will come to the realisation once more, that only action is the only way, at times. But we must keep in mind that not everyone will be in that mood. It may be, just you, that wants things to happen NOW.

Leo and Sagittarius will feel the buzz as well, it will be indeed precious time, especially if you are involved in a relationship that needs some boosting up, or involved in any creative project.

Venus and Mars in Aries will link with Pluto in Capricorn, so you will have to deal with some power struggles, during those days, which may ignite some arguments if others do not share your views or your values.

This Full Moon is the Kairos or appropriate time to concentrate in what really matters to you and change accordingly your life to respect you priorities. Only you can do that.

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  1. hey im libra and im feeling very sad now a days may b its due to that the girl or girls i want r not responding to my love perfectly i know they dont know the true love or ho to love and now a days im fighting with ppl too much i dont know when it will get over plz tell me whats happening to me and when i will get my perfect match i dont know much about astrology my date of birh is on 22-OCT-1990 i hope u guys will help me

  2. cristinalaird says:

    Sam i can read in your words real worry and a lot of confusion, which is only normal considering your age. These are troubling times and of course very especially for young people. In your particular case, since you only tell me your date of birth and not the time and the place, needed to draw an individual chart, i can see that you have the Moon in Sagittarius and Mars in Gemini, which is a part of yourself that has been greatly challenged this year, forcing you to face yourself and your emotions in a way that you had not experienced before. These are very serious times for you, when perhaps you suddenly realize that superficiality is not what you need at the moment, and you should concentrate in paying attention to your own feelings and the questions that emerge from your heart about love.
    What kind of girl you like, but i mean, what kind of PERSON you really would like to be with.
    About you fighting with people you must really learn to accept that we are all different and it’s ok to have different opinions about everything, what really matters is what YOU do with your life and how you organize yourself to go about getting what YOU want.
    Everyone has a different point of view and what makes this life interesting is that very fact.
    Remember, every relationship you have is the perfect match, even if it ends in (apparent) disaster. I think you will probably get yours in couple of years.
    But, remember, with every person that we feel attracted to, we should ask ourselves, what is that we like about them and look for that quality inside of us.

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