Mercury going retrograde.. Again!

Mercury going retrograde.. Again!


So here we go again. The tiny Mercury goes retrograde  on Thursday 7th of May, once more, this time in its own sign of Gemini, just as it had moved into it from Taurus, on the 1st of May. Read on this blog my article of January 8th, 2009, under the name “Saturn and Mercury go retrograde”, where I explain what a retrograde is.

Normally, Mercury retrogrades 3 times a year, but in 2009,  will do it,  4 times and except for the last one on the 26th of December that will happen entirely in an Earth sign, Capricorn, all the other retrogrades will happen in an Air sign and retrograding, meaning, going back, into  an Earth sign.

In January-February, from Aquarius to Capricorn, this time, May, from Gemini to Taurus and in September from Libra to Virgo and back.

Earthing our ideas is one of the messages of this retrograde, doing it in a more creative way is another. It is Ok to Twitter and enjoy Messenger but perhaps we could take that activity to the next level, by using it like some people do, to convey meaningful messages, to gather people for a better cause.

Being alive means we have earthed something. We have brought it down to earth to learn something, to share something, whatever that something might be for you.

If  you think that life probably means nothing, and that this is all a random journey, then you definitely need to earth your thoughts. 

For those people who think that Astrology is just some crazy unproved theory, then perhaps you should sit down and study it.

We have spent decades sending our children to college to do Business Studies, Marketing, Business Administration, so, now, as the financial world trembles, we have all these people with jobs that will not help us out of this situation. What happened to all these professionals that were probably working for Crysler, GM and all these big business that are now in trouble?

There are unknown forces at work at all times, that we are not aware of. The power of the collective unconscious, reflected by the movement of the outer planets, works in “mysterious”  ways.

There is an order after all, and the Cosmos provides us with this incredible knowledge.

The most notorious aspect of this Mercury retrograde is that occurs at almost exactly the same degree and month of the year 1930, and just around the time, of that Saturn, Uranus and Pluto formed a T-square, similar to the one that we will experience in August 2010.

Can we interpret this event as a powerful call to come back to earth, to basics and once more, re-structure our finances? or perhaps our attitude towards finances.

Those were the times of the great Depression and look were we are today. 

If you read about Astrology often, you must have heard by now that Mercury retrogrades upset communications, document signing, decision taking. We lose our cell phones or they mysteriously start acting funny, Internet goes crazy and we lose pages and documents we need. Radio stations are hit badly, and the FM suddenly does not work. Computers can’t connect to Internet or you are struggling with your server.

But, as Gemini rules the respiratory system, I wonder what will it do to the spread of the swine flu. 

These are times to reflect on what we are doing. How can we earth what is in our mind? How can we make the most of our ideas? How can we use our talents to connect with our community, (the conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron approaching in Aquarius at the end of the month)for the benefit of us all?

The lightness of Gemini is glorious, but it can turn into unbearable superficiality at times.

Twitter and Facebook are incredible tools, let’s use them consciously for the benefit of us all, and not for hours of stupidity. Let’s turn our ideas into something that will enrich our lives, rather than induce us to brainlessness.

Lightness is Ok, stupidity is not.

These are serious times and so we must act accordingly. We must all work together for the improvement of our times.

Mercury retrograde from Gemini to Taurus can be used to revise your financial issues, even if it means going through you bank statements to see where you went wrong, where you were overspending, or gathering information from your accountant, or sending information to your lawyer, bank or tax adviser to organise your finances. You must now read the small writing more that ever! More than twice!

Mercury will station direct on the 30th of May to initiate its forward motion out of Taurus and back into Gemini and into the degree where the retrograde started (1º45′). We have up to that time to look at what is that we need to improve and organise in the delivery of our ideas.

The house in your birthchart , where you have the cusp of Gemini-Taurus is where you will personally experience this process.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Christina

    thanks for your thoughtful Mercury retro piece – and especially the fascinating titbit re the 1930 connection!

    I’m about to put a sticky post on my blog directing visitors to “Here comes Mercury – in reverse” – on a much lighter note than yours, but you might enjoy reading it.

    All good wishes

    Anne W ( with Mercury about to go retro on my MC/NNode!!)

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