Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn

Today, Christmas day, Venus enters the sign of Capricorn, after spending some 23 days in Sagittarius.

Venus, ruler of Taurus and Libra and the 2nd and 7th house of the Birthchart, as we all know , is the Goddess of Love and Beauty, but it is also the planet that represent our values, our likes and dislikes, our desires, the way we seduce or like to be seduced, money and the value we give to it, the way we make our money, the Other, our relationships, the way we see ourselves within the relationship, what we want or need from the Other in order to feel complete, etc.

Capricorn, the sign of the Goat with a fish tail, ruled by Saturn, and representing the archetypes of authority, limitations, social status, ambition, career goals, structure, land, our desperate need for order and control.

This is not an easy journey for Venus, since this Goddess enjoys the pleasures of life without worrying much about social status or limitations. Enjoying the pleasures of life Capricornian style, might prove to be quite expensive.

Carla Bruni, in spite of not having Venus in Cap, is a good example of a Capricornian Seductress. She has the Sun in Capricorn and in square to Saturn. Brad Pitt, Caroline of Monaco, Scarlett Johansson, Justin Timberlake, are all good examples of Venus in Capricorn.

Self steam in Capricorn might be measured by financial achievements and/or the social status reached in life.

Jane Austen, the English writer, is a true Mars-Pluto in Capricorn with Moon-Saturn in Libra. Her love stories are stories that represent Venus in Capricorn. Arranged marriages, families aspiring to a marry their daughters with men of better social standing to go up in the social ladder, love stories full of limitations, etc.
Venus initiates this journey through Capricorn with a contact to Saturn and Pluto, which are in a square (90º) at the moment.

Relationships of any kind will be hit, intensely. If you are starting one at the moment, it’ll always have this pattern of limitations and responsibilities. Possibly with men or women with children from previous marriages, for example. Or with one of them with parents in their charge, is another possibility.

If you are in one, it might be undergoing a crises of re-evaluation and re-structuring of important dimensions.

The point here is to understand and develop some kind of self-value that does not respond to the opinion of the Other. The fact that someone does not value us, does not mean, we have or are of no value.

The fact that the Other might not appreciate us, does not mean we are of no value.
The love for oneself, must come from the inside, and it must be directly linked to who we are and what we do, and NOT to other people’s opinion of ourselves.

Venus will stay in Capricorn until January 18th, will link with Pluto early on Dec 27th and with Saturn on the 29th. Cardinal signs: Cancer, Capricorn,

Libra, Aries or anyone with Ascendent, Moon, Venus or Mars will be the most affected.

Venus in Capricorn will give us the sense that we can aspire to a better life, and that love is something you work on each day, as opposed to “being in love” which may just happen to us.

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