New Moon in Leo, August 10th, 2010

New Moon in Leo, August 10th, 2010

So this is it! Here we go with the first Super-Moon of the Year, when our beautiful Moon is at perigee (its closest to Earth) right by the time of a New or a Full Moon.

These moons have the reputation to be truly powerful in their electromagnetic force and we have all experienced them, often without realizing it.

Last powerful Full Moon that comes to memory was the one at the end of February when the Chilean Tsunami.

But not all Full Moon’s are necessarily disastrous, yet they can powerful in other less obvious areas.

This is a New Moon in Leo, right at the time when Venus and Saturn form a conjunction in Libra, close to Mars also in Libra which at the same time are opposing Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and of course, since they are part of this famous Cardinal T-Square going on at the moment, they are all in square to Pluto in Capricorn. As I mention in the Venus in Libra article, the focus is the relationship with others an with ourselves.

Now, we know what is happening in Pakistan, where the number of people affected by these floods has risen to 12 million, making it the biggest natural disaster in History, in that area. If you refer back to my Uranus in Aries article, you’ll see the list of natural disasters that happened between 1927 and 1930, last time we had a T-Square similar to the one today. Then, there were great floods in China and the Mississippi area as well.

This New Moon at 17º Leo, makes an aspect (135º) to Uranus and Pluto, the planets of individuality and self- analysis.

Leo induces us to decipher our inner calling and give it expression in the material world.

As James Hillman says in his wonderful book The soul’s code”, every soul comes to life called.

To understand our calling and find ways of expressing it is our mission in life.

Just yesterday as I was getting ready to write about this New Moon, a friend of mine, sent me a video of one of Steve Jobs (Mac)’s conferences, this one at the 2005 opening course at Stanford University, where he talks about “Never to Settle” for anything else, except your inner calling. He insists: ” even if you have to wait to understand what it is”. You can see it here: (

As Carl Jung will calls it: Synchronicity!

It made me wonder, how many more years or generations before we can change this outdated educational system we have at the moment, where we only seem to educate children from the neck up, forgetting about their body, soul and emotions.

How many more lawyers, doctors, architects, marketing specialists are we going to train? What about all other ways of expression of talent? What about creativity?

Like Ken Robinson says: These are a set of subjects in educations designed at the beginning of the Industrial era, and we have not changed them ever since, except only in the way we implement it, but never the subjects themselves.

How many more brilliant people will be kept out of the College system, because of this obsession with the same “academic” education?

This New Moon brings this amazing opportunity to all of us, to question what we are doing.

The myths of Parzifal and  most of the Heroes come to mind. In their journey in search of themselves, they encounter all sorts of distractions, like Kundri, the seductress, in Parzifal’s case, and all sorts of dragons, damsels in distress, witches and wizards in the other heroes. Only by keeping the focus on oneself one may become a whole person, true to the calling of the soul.

We can experience this issue today, via our children, teenagers, grandchildren, our husband or wife, but the question remains the same.

Are we in harmony with the demands of our soul? Does our work reflect the needs of our soul?

Are we pushing our children not to listen to their inner calling and directing them to something “more practical” just to calm our inner anxiety down, just as our parents did with us?

Saturn has a way of emerging over and over again through us parents. He, is famous or infamous for eating his children, for the fear of being castrated, like he did with his own father.

The most common way to eat our children is to say: “You, should be a lawyer like your father and your grandfather”. “We cannot break the tradition”. And I ask, and Uranus ask: Why not?

Why sacrifice yet one more soul, for the sake of tradition?

This T-Square in combination with the New Moon in Leo, confronts us with these issues. With THE issue of being true to ourselves above everything else.

20, 30 years ago, this would have been unthinkable: “To do what your heart tells you”

Fortunately, today we can.

Leo rules the 5th house of self expression and children.

If you are a parent of a teenager who is trying to decide what to do in College, Pay Attention to your child. Listen to their soul, don’t push them to betray themselves, by choosing a career that will make YOU happy. It is about THEIR life.

We don’t even know what the world will look like in 6 or 7 years time, coincidentally when Saturn will arrive to Capricorn, to the point where Pluto is today.

Look what is happening today to Architects or Marketing directors all over the world. No jobs for them. So, we never know. But what we DO know, is that if you do not follow your heart’s desires, you are not going to be happy.

So, the message of this New Moon in Leo, in relation to Uranus and Pluto, at the time of this T-Square, seems to be that of taking the risk of letting your children be, and allowing yourself to change direction, to go beyond borders, in order to become more in tune with the needs of your soul.

Dare to be who you really are.

This is a New Moon in a fix sign, so it’ll affect greatly the other fix signs (Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius) as well as the other Fire sings, Sagittarius and Aries.

Pay attention to the people you meet this week end, the situations you encounter, they might bring pivotal messages for your future!

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