New Moon in Pisces, March 11th + Venus and Mars move to Aries.

New Moon in Pisces, March 11th + Venus and Mars move to Aries.

Although this Moon picks at around 21 ° PISCES 24′, is located between Venus and Mars, both in PISCES, but also with a “stellium” of planets in this sign including Mercury (still retrograde), Chiron and Neptune-of course. As we continue with Mercury in retrograde motion until the 18th, the message of this Lunation seems to invite us to an inner journey, in search of a way of deciphering our internal language. To take a look at this “soul” or “Observer” which exists within us, which inhabits our body, and demands expression and rectification.
Recognizing, Respecting and Accepting, automatically Corrects, not only our personal past, but also, our family and ancestral legacy. Awareness is our only salvation. The Piscean lesson, is that which helps us recognize the unity with All and Everyone, the divinity within us. If the tree suffers, I suffer, if my kids suffer, I suffer, if the rivers run dry, I suffer, if a woman gets raped on the other side of the world or stubbed, like yesterday in London (in a bus! like the girls in India), I suffer. But equally, if you succeed, I am happy, if a child is saved from hunger, I am happy, if our oceans are clean, I am happy, if the war ends, I’m happy, if you learn, I learn.
Neptune entered PISCES last year, for the first time in the life of all who are alive today, for the first time in what we consider to be its own sign, by the similarity of experience and lessons to be learn. This is a Lunation with 7 planets in this territory, where we learn about unconditional love, on other dimensions of human experience, which scientists are still far from explaining. We all know we connect with other dimensions, but we do not know how. We often know who’s calling when the phone rings, before answering, we recognize another soul, without even talking to them, or enter any space and we tremble without knowing why. We chose a therapist or an astrologer with whom we have incredible cosmic connections, without knowing how, but we all know that these things happen all the time. We hear music, or we can hum melodies that, in theory, we have not heard before and don’t understand the process.
Astrologers, smiled quietly, when we see the chart of our clients, and their connections to ours, by progression or transits. They arrive at the “right time” or “Kairos” (an undetermined period of time in which something important happens) and the experience is pure mutual learning process. Seen in this way, nothing in life

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seems a coincidence. If we don’t even dare to ask ourselves, if there’s a possibility of an hidden order in these apparent “constant” coincidences, we could be somewhat superficial or negligent or simply humanly ignorant. But many Piscean experiences are inexplicable in human terms, although, they are perfectly human experiences. We don’t have the elements yet, because of our obsession with separation and individuation to understand ‘how’s that we are all absolutely linked. Internet today provides a media by which we can begin to understand this concept.
It’s not easy being a Piscean, it takes almost an entire life, to understand that immeasurable wealth of knowledge and wisdom they have since they are born. That connection to the ineffable that gives them access to a knowledge indescribable and inexplicable. They are victims of their own wisdom, it is difficult to share or to integrate into everyday life.
Have you ever seen a pond full of fish?, they swim unceasingly from one side to another, in a constant and extraordinary choreography of crossings exchanges, forming the most magnificent designs, with an innate elegance, but never in a straight line. I could not imagine a better image of PISCES than that. Try asking a Pisces a question for which you need a concrete response and you will see. You will never get it. Directness or concreteness, does not seem to exist in the life of Pisces. Only in the arts they are able to express their eternal wandering through the emotional waters and creative madness. The concept of the drop in the ocean, constantly mixing and reforming the mass of water that exists because of it, and even then is not even appreciated for it. The drop could never explain the ocean, and the ocean without it would not exist. The drop is part of the storms, tsunamis, calm, waves and that constant motion,that’s where PISCES resides, trying to live a mortal life, so no wonder that their body or feet, hurt all the time. Ah! If PISCES could catch that moment, that belief, that creative impulse, every time, and express it and create, we would have found the door between the real and the ineffable. Then, how can we connect to that Ethereal, wise, divine world of Neptune and Pisces without dying in the attempt?How many Piscians have dwelled in alcoholism, drugs, barbiturics, madness?
Meditation, music, art, dance, tai-chi, painting, writing, prayer, they are some of the roads that can be traveled to express the world of Neptune, even for a moment, but with the conviction that they must always come back to what we call real, since while we are alive, we have other things to do.
Saturn in Scorpio, forms a trine to Chiron and Mercury, use the power of this lunation to meditate on these issues, to find yourself in your own Ocean and allow yourself to visit the ineffable trusting that Saturn, will help you return safe and sound and keep in touch with what is real. Jupiter is in square to Mercury retrograde, so make sure that your optimism has real bases and if you decide to take any major risks, you have a cushion where to fall back on.
The Sun and the Moon are in square to Ceres, reminding us that we must feed our soul, as well as our body, and that we must respect those who know more than us and listen.
Mars enters Aries a few hours after the Moon picks, and Venus will enter the first fire sign on the 22nd, a few days before the Full Moon in Libra on the 27th.
With Venus and Mars in Aries, our intention is strengthened and suddenly we understand that we can launch ourselves in search of what we love, another person or a new project. Time to begin again, the impulse of spring is very strongly felt with these personal planets in Aries,this is the true beginning of the astrological year. An inexplicable force invades us and reminds us that every day we can start again. Every day an adventure begins and anything can us to it.
Once again we recognize that we have more of one chance and maybe we have been blind to many of them, by victimizing ourselves, by insisting in doing things the same way, even if everything reminds us that we must change. Between the 23rd and 27th, just in time for the next full moon, Mars will align with Uranus in Aries, activating the famous current Urano-Pluto square. Cardinal signs here have another opportunity to rethink the issues that occupies them at present in the past months or even years, another opportunity to seek a suitable possible solution. Venus will also pass through this point, from the 28th, and we will have the opportunity to experience the difference of these two planetary energies and their unique message. Pay attention to what occurs these days from 26 to 31 and comments in this space, your experiences, if you feel like it.
If you ever had a Piscean experience, your life has changed, by this I mean what commonly call, a peak experiences, i.e. those moments when you can really live and experience the unity with everything. Whether watching a sunset, a Sunrise, during a walk in the mountains or perhaps sitting comfortably on the sofa in your living room, meditating, singing, dancing. Normally this experiences are stimulated by the contact with Nature and then suddenly we understand everything.
We are living very Piscean times and have the opportunity to connect with this concept that we are all ONE and we can see how we are all affected in our unique and special ways, by the same stimulus, and similar situations.
On the 18th, Mercury will station direct to resume its forward motion, to leave PISCES finally on April 13th. This is a brilliant opportunity to defy the gloom of the ‘crisis’ and encourage us to risk and to initiate new projects. Open doors and let the sunlight of spring or autumn enter your soul.

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