FULL MOON in Pisces – September 8, 2014

FULL MOON in Pisces – September 8, 2014

asteroid-goddessesHere comes another Super Moon,  the last of 5 that are usually formed when the Moon is at its perigee, or point closer to the Earth, therefore, giving us the opportunity to see it bigger than ever as the previous one was.Its power over the waters is stronger than ever, so large tides are common; many tsunamis have occurred at the time of super moons, its effect on our emotions, usually related to the element of Water is also powerful.

For the new moon in Virgo on August 25 which began the cycle this this full moon is bringing to a close, the Sun and Moon were in opposition to Neptune, whereas for this lunation of next week, the Moon is in conjunction to Chiron and therefore the Sun as opposed to the Centaur, son of Saturn, bringing to the for the subject of healing, making more obvious than ever, the areas of our soul that still hurt. At the same time, the Moon at 16º of Pisces, forms a Grand Trine to Juno, 16 ° Cancer and Vesta almost 17º of Scorpio, which is in line with Saturn 18º of Scorpio and Ceres at 10º of Scorpio.

The Moon with Juno and Vesta in a Grand Trine of female energy, which speaks to us of lessons to be learned about the importance of the balance of male-female, inside our psyche. In the article on the new moon in Virgo (http://cristinalaird.wordpress.com/2014/08/24/new-moon-in-virgo-august-2014/) I spoke about the emphasis of that lunation on the inseparability of mental with the physical, the soul with the body. This Moon in PISCES reminds us of the influence of these female goddesses in our lives.

As Carl Jung said:  Archetypes are the essential universal thought forms available to human consciousness during all periods of time. The planets and asteroids bear the names of these deities, which correspond to this primal, immortal, eternal forces. To understand how the archetype of a planet or asteroid, operate, we must analyze the myth associated to each of them. It is precisely when we discover that we actually relive in our daily lives, the scripts described by these myths, that we begin to bring from the darkness of our psyche towards our consciousness, these patterns and stories often repeated literally.

The Moon which rises when the Sun sets, it has always been in all mythologies the symbol of the feminine, of the night, the dark and often hidden side of our psyche. With a host of deities as: Diana or Artemis, Selene and Hecate in Greco-Roman mythology, Hina and Mahina in Polynesia mythology, Metztli and Maya in the Aztec and Mayan mythology respectively, etc., etc. I would almost say thousands of them. Is in the full moon when the Sun and the Moon are opposite, facing each other, in line, therefore, the Moon receiving, in one of its sides, the light of the Sun in full, which offers us the possibility to see it in all its glory.

 Venus, born of the castration of the God Uranus, is the symbol of the power of female beauty, the power of female seduction, without which our specie would perish. Without this extraordinary Venusian force that leads men to have an erection and therefore to want to copulate and have children, it would be the end of us.

Juno, Pallas, Vesta and Ceres, are other four facets of the female experience, completing the mandala which holds Venus right in the center. We can not be fooled by the size of these asteroids, as if they were insignificant, since some of them such as Ceres, now named dwarf planet like Pluto by astronomers, and much closer to earth than the latter, has the same value in our psyche that the Lord of darkness.

But in this lunation are Vesta and Juno who form the great Trine with the Moon. Vesta, the ability to focus the energy and the experience of finding completion by oneself, represents the studious woman, the nun, unmarried women, the woman who puts her own spiritual development, her mission in life, above relationships. The true ruler of Virgo, for me. Juno, on the other hand, is looking for the famous “other half”, finds completion through another. Represents the “wife”, “married woman”, the female earning power by its relationship with another, normally a partner, with money, lineage and power. She gives the power of social status and finances to the husband. It is related to the sign of Scorpio. Therefore this trine speaks of balance in our psyche of these female experiences both in men and in women. The principle of relatedness (Juno) in harmony with our feelings and our emotional security (Moon) and the need to pursue our destiny and our spiritual integrity (Vesta) form a large harmonic triangle, giving us the opportunity to find balance between these aspects of our lives, so important to the health of relationships and family.

An extraordinary opportunity to stop blaming the other for our frustrations, to forgive, to take responsibility for our failures and the power to take control of our destiny rather than feeling hostility and revenge toward the other. The Sun is in Sextile to Vesta and Juno, meaning is at the midpoint between these two deities, also offering men the chance to make peace with these two aspects of women.

Jupiter already in square to Ceres and trine to Uranus, will resonate with mothers who are released from their role as mothers, either by their children moving away to University or to other countries, offering the beginning of a new chapter in their lives and the possibility of reconnecting with Vesta and Juno.

Venus will spend two or three days in opposition to Neptune, which helps us investigate our desire and deepest longings of connection with the divine through another, offering us the chance to understand that everything is a reflection of our inner universe and that in the Source, we are everything, we are ONE and that it is only in the human experience that we live this illusion of YOU and I. Venus-Neptune help us realize that LOVE is not mine, not yours, LOVE is a universal feeling that sometimes we can connect to if we are in harmony with our whole self. Some people help us connect with it easier than others.

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