New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius

We have a New Moon every month as we all know, but not all New Moon are the same, since the Cosmos is never the same, from one day to the next, let alone, from month to month or year to year.
So this Aquarian New Moon is not like last February’s New Moon. In fact, this is quite a special one, since the Sun meets the Moon at 25º of Aquarius, right next to the Chiron-Neptune conjunction at 26º of Aquarius, which it has been happening since 2009 and it will continue till 2011, but arriving to the exact conjunction this month on the 17th.
Since the discovery of Chiron in 1977, this is the first time these two planets meet. Last time they actually formed a conjunction(0º), was in the sign of Libra in September 1945, right after the 2nd WW ended. By that time, Chiron was not in our conscience, since it hadn’t been sighted yet.
Chiron has been associated since its discovery, with its mythological figure of the Centaur, son of Saturn. The archetype of the Wounded Healer has become common place and if you work with Astrology and study Chiron, you will have no doubts, that that is the case, indeed.
I remember vividly how once visiting a chiropractor, as soon as I entered his practice, once in his presence, i had the distinct feeling of being in front of the mythological Healer. Didn’t say anything as you may imagine, and then once the session was over, we engage in conversation and so i dared to ask if he knew anything about his birth-chart. To my surprise he had a copy of it in his desk, so he gave to me, and to my amazement, there it was his Sun in Sagittarius conjunct exactly Chiron. I never forgot that experience, and from then on, continued studying Chiron in people’s charts.
There is no doubt in my mind that Chiron represents the alternative Healer, not necessarily, the Doctor.
So it comes to no surprise to me, that this New Moon in Aquarius, conjunct the Chiron-Neptune conjunction happens at the same time Michael Jackson’s doctor, faces charges of involuntary manslaughter for the singer’s death. Perhaps this event will finally send a message to all those practitioners who have turn healing exclusively into medicating.
When was the last time you visit a doctor and didn’t come out with a prescription? I will even say, when was the last time you saw a doctor for more than 10 minutes and came out with few prescriptions?
I ask, until when?
Hopefully this court case, if it happens, will send a message to irresponsible practitioners who prescribe in a manner that is not right anymore.
So Chiron and Neptune, and this New Moon in Aquarius, speak of a different kind of Healing. Speaks about Soul Healing, not just a part of our body, so that we may function more in tune with our Soul, and less from our Ego.
The Haiti earthquake, has hit a chord of how we can help each other, in order to survive in this beautiful but troubled world of ours. Because this time it was Haiti, but tomorrow may be us, where ever we live. There is no guarantee, it can happen anywhere. The time has come to put an end to the neglect, to the prejudice to the “cant’t be bothered” and unite in spite of our differences, which are very, very few, and fight as ONE for this beautiful planet of ours, that we call, HOME.
The Chiron-NEptune conjunction has been making us aware of the need for Healing, not just as individuals, but as part of the ONLY kind on this planet, the HUMAN kind.
The triple conjunction of Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune, of 2009, brought us together, through Facebook and all these other virtual communities and it has allowed us to give, just for the sake of giving, like most bloggers know. It helped us find friends (Aquarius favorite kind of relationship) which we thought we’ll never see again, sometimes lovers and all of our knowledge, for everyone to enjoy and benefit from.
These are seriously Aquarian times. Which means that the community becomes more important than the individual- With Mars traveling through Leo, we need to find a balance between the need of the Ego and the Good of the Community.
This New Moon is a brilliant opportunity to begin to act more accordingly with our soul and less from our selfish needs.
Venus will meet Jupiter later on the 17th, in Pisces and this should help us focus on the need to Love, our differences and learn from them. It is time for great ideals and the possibility of making them come true.

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fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and everyone with those in the birth-chart, will have to learn the lesson the hard way. Time to end or give a break to power struggles, and come to a meeting point.
Whatever vision you have during these days of the New Moon, keep in mind that if you see it, then it is possible.
For Gemini and Libra this is a true time for new beginnings and finally saying good bye to a part of the Ego that no longer serves your advancement. Best time to start: NOW!

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